Express Plumbing Heating & Air Blog
A walk-in tub is deemed much safer than a traditional bathtub because it offers safety, stability, and added protection. Thanks to its unique design. In addition to this, most walk-in bathtubs have built-in seats. So there’s no risk of sliding down and getting fully submerged when you’re soaking in the water and feeling too relaxed.
A walk-in tub is much safer and more ideal for families with elderly members and young children. More traditional tub your style? You may have a few issues with the special design of this tub with a door. Below are some issues that some folks have brought up about the design and features of the walk-in tubs.
This kind of tub tests your patience. Since you already need to be in the tub as you fill because you need the door closed. Waiting for the water to reach the ideal height or volume can be annoying. Unlike a traditional tub that you can fill without you in it and can do other things while it’s filling up. With a walk-in tub though. You have to be in the tub before it can begin to fill up. Older models of this tub do not have a water temperature control so getting the ideal temperature is also a test of patience. Especially on a cold day. Time to drain the tub? May take a while.
Fortunately, manufactures of walk-in tubs have come up with solutions to these issues that are way the latest models on the market are actually quite in demand. Fast filling faucets have reduced the fill uptime. The newer models of walk-in tubs now have faster drains so you can get out of the tub much faster.
As for the issue of achieving the ideal water temperature for soaking. Walk-in bathtubs nowadays have water temperature controls. Which does not only condition water released into the tub right away, but also maintain the ideal temperature throughout the soak?
Call Express Plumbing Service today if you are in the market for installing a walk-in tub. So your every soak is optimally pleasurable!