Express Plumbing Heating & Air Blog
Mold and mildew are common in most households at one time or another. These fungi are most likely to pop up in areas that tend to be damp, like basements or bathrooms. Though they are not a big deal, it’s best to catch them as early as possible. It’s important to be able to see the difference between the two. Mildew presents as a tiny fungus that grows along surfaces as a thin, powder film that is white or gray colored usually. However, mold is much darker, usually black, brown, or green, and can build up more substantially than mildew, creating a fuzzy appearance. One thing they do have in common is their unpleasant smell, which can cause some heal issues.
Mold and mildew have an unsightly appearance, as well as an unpleasant smell, If inhaled it can sometimes cause respiratory problems among healthy people. There is an even bigger risk with people who have preexisting health conditions like asthma. People who experience seasonal allergies are also sensitive to the bacteria that mold and mildew carry.
On the upside mildew and mold are relatively easy to clean. A little scrubbing with a soft-bristled brush and soapy water should take care of the problem. The best way to ensure that it will not resurface again would be to get a spray bottle. Put bleach diluted water and spray it on the affected areas letting it sit for ten minutes. After it has set for ten minutes scrub with soap then rinse.
If you are experiencing mold and mildew in non-damp places then it could be some reason for concern. That could mean that there is a leak allowing rainwater to seep into your home, or that there is a leaky pipe somewhere throughout the house.